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Alex Jones Caught Committing Perjury, Lied About Sandy Hook to Make Money

  • Alex Jones’ Lawyers Accidentally Sent Full History of Texts to Sandy Hook Lawyer

Alex Jones Perjury? Sandy Hook Parents' Lawyer Says Infowar Host's Texts Were Sent to Him by Mistake

Alex Jones, InfoWars founder and conspiracy theorist, has been caught in a massive, years-long lie. Jones infamously started the lucrative conspiracy theory that the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre, which left 26 people, including 20 children, dead, was a hoax. 


Jones, who has repeatedly lied that the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax, has already been found liable in defamation cases brought by families of the victims. However, new evidence brought to light during his defamation trial confirms that Jones knew Sandy Hook was a real massacre, but chose to continue touting conspiracy theories for viewer rates and profit. The texts and emails from his phone show that Jones was making $800,000 dollars per day at the height of his claims. 


Neil Heslin and Scarlett Lewis, the parents of Jesse Lewis, who was six years old when he was killed in the 2012 massacre, are seeking damages of up to $150m from Alex Jones as well as from his company – Free Speech Systems LLC for propagating the idea that Sandy Hook was a hoax. 


When presented with the evidence in court, which seems to have been accidentally turned over by Jones’ lawyers, Jones appeared flabbergasted.


This was the exchange between Jones and prosecutors during the defamation trial: "12 days ago, your attorneys messed up and sent me an entire digital copy of your entire cell phone with every text message you've sent for the past two years ... and that is how I know you lied to me when you said you didn't have text messages about Sandy Hook," said Mark Bankston, the attorney for Sandy Hook victims' families, Wednesday in court.


  • "You know what perjury is, right?" he said. "You testified under oath previously that you personally searched your phone for the phrase 'Sandy Hook' and there were no messages."

  • "We asked for all emails and you told us [under oath] you don't use email and there are no emails about Sandy Hook," Bankston continued. Jones responded by saying he quit using email before Sandy Hook.

  • "There are emails that you've sent to your lawyers, your staff and others concerning your business operations that we requested for, Sandy Hook, other topics that have been requested in this lawsuit," Bankston said after showing Jones a document with his email address.


The court will decide how much Jones has to pay them in damages. 


Read about the pending lawsuits against Alex Jones and Infowars. 

What Else Has Jones Lied About? 

Jones was heavily involved in the lead-up to the January 6th Capitol attack. He helped obtain at least $650,000 from Julie Fancelli, an heiress to the Publix grocery chain and Infowars fan, to pay for a pro-Trump rally that preceded the attack on the Capitol. Of that money, $200,000 was deposited into one of Jones' business accounts, according to the U.S. House’s committee to investigate the Jan. 6 attack.


On his Infowars broadcast that day, Jones told his supporters, “This is the most important call to action on domestic soil since Paul Revere and his ride in 1776.” And at the Capitol, Jones used a bullhorn to excite crowds by chanting, “Stop the steal!”


He also has strong ties to individuals arrested in the attack on the Capitol, including Joe Biggs, a former Infowars staffer and a leader of the far-right group Proud Boys.


In late January this year, Jones told Infowars listeners he was questioned in front of the House committee and said he invoked his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent “almost 100 times.”

Who Else From Infowars Was Involved?​

Owen Shroyer, host of Infowars' "War Room," was also involved in the January 6th Capitol attack. While he did not physically enter the Capitol building, he led rioters in chants with a megaphone alongside Jones. 


Shroyer also called into a live broadcast on Infowars during the riot, stating that "probably about 100,000 people" had surrounded the building.


In June 2023, Shroyer pleaded guilty for the charge of entering and remaining on restricted grounds. 

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